Miles, Smiles and the UP in sUPermarket


So another Monday run. Off to Hampstead heath. It's five miles from home to Kenwood House, well the fence surrounding it as the house is closed at the moment. 

I didn't feel like a run, but I seldom do. Thanks to Fliss for kicking me out of bed. It was a beautiful morning and the first where I've jogged in a t-shirt and ultra light rain jacket. I’m never sure if the jacket is necessary, but my fear is that the cold wind will chill my back muscles into spasm. When this happened at the Edinburgh Fringe a few years back, I couldn’t walk across the room so the idea of being five miles out is not one I relish.

The worst part of the run was when I passed a lady about 60yrs old at a distance of 3m+ and she turned away to face a wall cowering as if I was going to attack her. I felt shamed by her reaction and powerless to help her in any way. It's horrible to feel shamed in this way, but it must be even worse for her to feel the covid fear that she’s clearly experienced since lockdown.
I then had a second fear for her. I'm certain if it makes me feel shamed then it probably does for many people she meets. They might not see it as a natural response to a new and unwelcome change to our social rules, but an offence against their ego that provokes an aggressive reaction. She paints herself as a victim and inadvertently asks for a persecutor to abuse her.

This was an extreme example but not a common experience during lockdown. There's one thing we can all do to fight this new social anxiety: Smile and say hello, or just wave. I know it's not a London thing to do but London isn't quite London atm. Once lockdown is over we can all go back to walking around in a cloud of misery, but at this moment we need to nudge the level of anxiety down for those who need it and accept they're the same people who's fear does not allow them to smile or say hello or wave.

I believe if that lady had been said hello to several times that walk she would feel safer and more secure.

Hampstead Heath was amazing as usual. I turn into a child allowed to run free as if for the first time. I can lose myself in every way and find myself again. Today's treat was a rhododendron garden on the North East edge. Everything was blooming including this 2m tall azalea.

Home to bake a sourdough loaf. There's no yeast in the shops for the bread machine hence the sourdough which tastes better. Instead of bread flour which is never in stock, I got a sack of chapatti flour which is the same as strong flour and costs £5/10kg in Tesco as opposed to £1.20/kg !!! 

Talking of supermarkets I want to publicly condemn Tesco’s for the way they have raised prices by removing ongoing offers and only stocking premium brands.

I’m sure all the supermarkets are at it by come on! We’re doing one weekly shop and can’t shop around. We’re a captive audience with little choice and we’re being exploited.

There will be a reckoning and consumers have to ask if the culture of offers is there to save us money or muddle us into buying more: 241, 342, BOGOF, 25% extra, 30% off. We all know that prices are higher for non discounted items so that when they’re placed on offer, the discount appears greater. Remove the offers and we have to pay the premium.

Ok, rant over :)


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