What day is it?

I knocked up this graphic as a zoom background

Laptop Repairman
It’s been weeks now but without my weekend courses which were the anchor points of my week/ life, the days seem to merge into one long weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.

What have I achieved so far in Lockdown London?

Built, rebuilt and tinkered with Streetbeat Studio One / my office / man cave/ spare room.
Spilt coffee on my laptop which promptly died.
Became laptop repair man. I had to wear two pairs of reading glasses at the same time to get the magnification!
Finally took my old PC, which still runs on Vista! to be upgraded.

Me Fliss and Amanda Zooming

Zoomed and chatted more than every before.Got to grips with the editing software.

Me captured by Fliss

Ran a lot.
Finally produced two Salsa Rapido videos to be published soon with a further 50+ planned to add to the 18 Concepts clips published last year.

I’ve finally finished the counselling course with closing exercises completed online which gave me a chance to reflect on the year. Extreme highs and lows, character building stuff.

So how am I coping with Lockdown London?
I'm a great believer with openness about mental health. Openness confronts and destroys the shame and stigma that we're all just supposed to keep calm and carry on. I've been bouncing from highs to lows. The highs of a beautiful Spring. Having Fliss around and having the space not to be on top of each other and long cherished chats with friends and family. Speaking of Family, I've a new first cousin once removed (yes I had to look it up) called Maia. She's beautiful, safe and well and the news of her arrival was wonderful.
On the down side, the lockdown has played on my insecurities and taken me back to times of 'stuckness' Fears of unemployment, health and a fear of depression itself have given me what Churchill called his 'black dog' moods. My sleep's been disrupted and although I've continued to worked on my projects I've struggled to find enthusiasm.
April 2019- March 2020
What's different in this stuckness is my awareness of my own process and what works for me. Gratitudes, journaling, running, projects not procrastination, reaching out to my social network, and sitting with that stuckness rather than avoiding it.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us..” A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens


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