Lockdown London week 1

So it's lockdown London  29th March 2020 and I'm out for my usual run (as sanctioned by the government) and I've decided to take a few pictures of my experience of lockdown.

People have adapted to social distancing quite well. It's not perfect but nothing ever is.  The only time it's been annoying is when a group of two walk either side of the path which means I have to run between them at less than a meter away to get past.... unless I cough! There seems more nods and smiles around which is very nice and usually absent in London. I'm optimistic we'll be back to misery soon, but meanwhile there's an irony that social distancing is less isolating than normal. Maybe we should question what's 'normal'?

The top picture is the Sainsbury in Hornsey High Street. Note the social distancing queue, everyone two meters apart. Yesterday Fliss and I went to the big Tesco on Colney Hatch and we had to queue through an airport style snake made up of steel food crates. Ten people in as ten people left. Fliss did the regular stuff while I got the essentials. Punk IPA, Talisker Sky (Thanks to John Trinder for educating me on that smokey nectar) and of course a case of malbec, rioja and white pino G. for Fliss. I know it sounds a lot but we could be isolated for days!


Next is a couple of views from Suicide Bridge as we locals call it. It's the high Victorian arch over the A1 between Archway and Highgate.
Because there's so little traffic I can run alone the roadside without a respirator, so I can check out new features. These were taken on a Monday morning at 9.53am. How rush hour has changed!

Over to the right is another view from the bridge. I've put this one in as it shows the sky. What you wont see is any aeroplanes. Not one! I haven't seen one for three days. Two police helicopters and a lot of birds, but no planes and no jet-streams.

 There's a lot of fear around at the moment and there are moments where it seem too much. I hope that bridge is only used to take picture from. If you're feeling down or even if you're having suicidal thoughts please call someone. Samaritans 116 123

“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
Nelson Mandela,
Long Walk to Freedom: Autobiography of Nelson Mandela

Jogging through Crouch End I noticed the posters placed on shops, explaining their queuing system or apologising for being closed....

Highgate woods is still open. I note the entrance to Finsbury Park from the old railway is closed as the entrance is a narrow bridge. I think a traffic light might be an appropriate response so we can keep out distance and enter the park. Social Isolation should not mean isolating society!

Just after I was NOT entering Finsbury Park, I was jogging along the stony old railway line when a young lady out running, tumbled over right in front of me.  I've taken two falls when running and they are a massive shock to the system. I offered assistance which mainly meant suggesting she main still for a count of ten before testing for breaks etc. She thanked me, cried, made light of the crying, got up and bounded away. Who says the young aren't resilient? Please note that social distancing was maintained at all times.

I get that the gym equipment is closed in Highgate woods. To be honest I felt a sigh of relief as it was just the excuse I needed :-)

Check out the yellow bin. It says:
"Due to current circumstances we can no longer process dog waste. Please take your waste home with you and flush it down the toilet..."
I question whether dog owners should flush plastic bags of dog doo down the loo?

I'm enjoying my jogs. It gives me a sense of freedom that I wouldn't have otherwise. It keeps me fit in mind and body at a time when we need everyone to take the strain off the NHS so they can save lives.
It reminds me that I've gone from heavy smoker, to jogger, to marathon jogger, and that shows that I can change the things I need to to live the life I want.

Finally Ally Pally. What a beautiful white cherry tree bursting with blossom, with the old BBC tower behind.

It'll be a wonderful Spring if we just take the time to notice it.

SYOTOS - See You On The Other Side.
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